"Lift Up My Soul - Female"
This is the ideal painting for anyone wanting to be pictured with the Savior and the chapel, temple, cathedral, or house of worship of your choice behind you.. This painting is designed for men or women, boys or girls of any age and would show the building of your choice.
You simply supply us with a profile photo, as described in the video below -- place your order and you will receive your image files and permission letter by return email.
Your purchase will include digital image files in five sizes;
1 page of 9 wallet size images;
5" by 7"
8" by 10"
11" by 14"
16" by 20"
and a permission letter which you may need if you have the files printed commercially. You can then print as many of the files as you wish in each size, but the image may not be used for any commercial purposes.
To send your photo by email, just click here doc3852@gmail.com